Vietnam Logo Design, logo design, brand design, brand promotion

How to convince Clients to Hire You !

In the contemporary era there is a lot of competition for places, especially because clients are few and businesses are more. You can find a thousand firms who offer design services when you go out or search on the web. Furthermore every business would want potential clients in grasp as quickly as possible, like a hungry shark waiting for its prey so they will portray out their best!
What to do to attract new client? What tools to use to convert your contacts into clients? Well if you don’t have the answer you are at the right place.
Below are few tips to be an attractive shark so that your prey comes running to you instead of you going the other way!

Move The Top


Be Simple, Not Over Creative

Be Simple
No one has time in the world and clients are always in a hurry, a simple contact card would enable your proposed client to call you easily. Flashy business cards or over descriptive contact forms will confuse your potential consumer. You don’t want to lose them as they are your basis of what you earn in the end.

Show the Best

Show The Best
We all do tons of work; some are average, some good and some the best. To attract clients only showcase your very best work don’t show every design which you have ever created because there’s a wider chance that there will be a design the customer may not like. Definitely portray your versatility this would make your clients aware that you can potentially create different sort of styles. But still remember Show the Best!

Strong Reviews!

Strong Reviews
A glowing review by a teacher can get a student admitted to a reputed University. Similarly reviews are vital to the running of a business, especially a design business. Here your previous client is a teacher and you the student. A good testimonial may convince potential clients to work alongside you in a design project, because of the success which previous clients may have had hiring you on a design project.

Illustrate any awards

Illustrate Any Awards
A little bragging and showing off is no harm! Always mention your biggest projects to your prospective clients. If your company has been mentioned in a newspaper or has gained an award, SHOW IT! It’s a huge incentive for you and an added bonus in your pursuit of obtaining new clients.

Be Genuine!

Be Genuine
People get scammed every day, it is important for your about to be clients that you are a genuine professional and not a fake identity. Do one thing; add a picture of yourself and your team and a brief description of everyone.

Self Belief and Confidence

“I’m not in competition with anybody but myself. My goal is to beat my last performance.” – Celine Dion
Whatever the context, in every interaction with both potential and working clients, you want to present yourself confidently. This will make interactions with the client smoother and discourage them from challenging you. Moreover, always believe in yourself and work hard. Patience and self believe is the key to success. Try, try, and try until you succeed.
That wraps up the article guys. If you have any comments about what I’ve said so far or any words of wisdom on the subject, feel free to drop them in the comment section below.


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